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This was a HATE CRIME because of my Photos & Looks! I am Lily white, but still hated! The MAIN MAN  is the head of a CULT & has a lot of woman around him and is now very sick!  His sisters & Ex Lover & HER MOTHER, who is an ATTORNEY GENERAL are THE MAIN CULPRITS, along with the Female COVEN in my DEATH RITUALS!  I have NEVER MET ANY of them in person!  

This MAN was challenged by a CULT to murder "Someone" and so he chose to murder me because he actually hated me. He was Jealous of me!  WHY?  I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT!!!

I met a man called Antonie 14 years ago while I was still living in Cape Town, South Africa.  I was researching my Family Tree!  My G Grandfather was a du Toit but I could NEVER & can still NOT find any Photos or information about him, except that he was a very tall man.  I have his wife's photo though, my G Grandmother. 


Anyway, Antonie did my whole tree for me in 2 days. He was kind, sweet and very helpful!  We became friends and chatted a few times over a period of 3 years. Then he disappeared. I still have all his emails. He NEVER had Airtime, and always said he had to go and get airtime. That happened often.  He told me he was worried that he would not find a wife.  So that made me think he was single. Anyway, I kept on sending him little messages and asked him how he was and also sent him samples of my Graphic Design work. In the meantime, I never knew he had someone, and that she was copying my work.  He and OR his lover at the time, KAREN ROSE PRINSLOO, were stealing my work and created another website and Social Media page where they were using my work.  Thats when SHE started belittling me and spreading rumours about me to all the people in their town and the people they met on their travels for work. 

I only found out about 3 years ago that THEY were stealing my work, but I ALSO STOLE MY INHERITANCE! His two sisters are school teachers and I was creating Educational stuff on my one Website called 'BLUE COCONUT DESIGNS".  THEY HAVE MADE MILLIONS OFF IT!  They have created a whole BUSINESS OFF MY WORK!    I have a letter from my Astrologer that I INHERITED a HUGE Plot of Land, PLUS a house, PLUS Money!.


I DID NOT KNOW that Antonie was all behind this, as he wanted a PROMOTION!  HOW SICK CAN YOU BE TO DO THIS TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALONE and has never hurt anyone!! I work from home and I never bother anyone!  I WANT JUSTICE!  for suffering for 14 years of Gang Stalking & being ABUSED online!  Someone even came to my house on 5 Nov 2019.  I was talking to my neighbour!  They sat and watched me for an hour. . They planned to have me taken out.  I ended up on LIFE SUPPORT for 9 weeks PLUS another 10 weeks in ICU!  I had to learn to walk again and this has affected my health in a serious way!


I borrowed money from my mother to pay for my website, called "BLUE COCONUT DESIGNS".  I was told that Antonie was jealous of me, WHY?  I HAD NO IDEA!!  A POWERFUL MAN was actually jealous of me!  WHY???  So, he had A GROUP OF WOMEN around him all the time and speaking about me to all his lovers in his town. He even formed his own COVEN. He has a SEX ADDICTION and was sleeping with all these women in his town and on his travels around the world! 


    One day I just started watching TAROT, which I NEVER DID. It was as if I was led to watch!  I came across a few readers whom I still watch today. I have been following this story ever since.  THIS WAS MY STORY!      I was told he paid several Witch Doctors to try and MURDER ME! He also paid people in his town to Gang Stalk me and do things to me and say things about me.  From what I can tellhe was turning all his lovers against me and then they started using WITCHCRAFT against me too!  So, I had Antonie, His ex-Karen Rose, her mother, his family, and his work Associates, PLUS these BITCHES from his COVEN, all using witchcraft against me! WTF?? How is that right? 




Then Antonie started talking to me in 2009 again.  Under a FALSE NAME!  His ex-lover Karen Rose Prinsloo & her mother were working together to plan to murder me. They did more than 33 DEATH RITUALS to try and murder me. I ended up on LIFE SUPPORT for 9 weeks, PLUS another 10 weeks in ICU!  

I had 7 doctors work on me, and they told my family I had a 3% chance of surviving. I had MULTIPLE ORGAN FAILURE!  My son failed school that year and my mother got Parkinsons, and my husband LOST HIS JOB! Thank God, my husband had a little money saved and we survived on that. He then got a job in New Zealand, and we have been here since November 2022.

3 months after I came out of hospital, I went for a Major checkup and blood tests. I had an MRI Scan, several Ultrasounds & Blood tests and the Doctor could not understand how I never had symptoms, or signs of Gall Bladder, Pancreatitis.  So, they were perplexed but gave me a clean bill of health. 

Then when we arrived in New Zealand, I went for another battery of tests. Nothing was found again. 

I am fine according to all the tests, but I am NOT Myself. I am tired all the time and I do not have the energy I used to have!  Since coming out of hospital I am NOT Myself! THIS FAMILY REALLY SPOKE DEATH OVER ME, all for money, which was actually mine in the first place!  💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

So Antonie, his ex-Karen Rose Prinsloo & Her mother & his family, Isonet Potgieter, Tertia Botha, Nadine Botha, Andre Botha, and their other family & work associates were ALL USING WITHCRAFT on me!  I knew something was wrong, as I was always feeling ill. My Blood pressure was so high and for absolutely NO reason. It is Normal now. I was continually sick since I met Antonie. When I look back at our messages, then it all makes sense.  In the mean time I was also getting log ins, hits and access violations from Johannesburg and the Eastern cape, South Africa.  LUCKILY I TOOK SCREENSHOTS!    I also [post screenshots daily on Pinterest.  Pinterest (Click this link)

I HAVE 7 CLOUDS FULL OF SCREENSHOTS over the past 13 years!   His family & ex & work Associates had an EXTREME HATRED FOR ME! I STILL TO THIS DAY DONT KNOW WHY! but I want Justice for all the things they did to me. I also told Antonie that I Never Inherited anything from my father when he died. That must have sparked something in him to delve deeper. The he found something and decided to STEAL MY INHERITANCE!  

Antonie said he was brutally attacked by a group of men!  He was left for dead alongside a river and someone found him and nursed him back to health!  He also said he had a Car Accident, which was ORGANISED my Karen Rose Prinsloo & her MOTHER! (Who is a CORRUPT LAWYER) I was so sick with worry for 3 years worrying about him and his health and how he was. This is MENTAL ABUSE! and I want Justice for it! The MENTAL ABUSE I endured was so very bad!  I suffered so much, and I am still suffering. It's all so UNBELIEVEABLE!  I cry in the shower alot! ANTONIE IS A NARCCISIST and needs medical help! He told me a week ago (17 April 2024) that he had just come out of a coma for 6 months.  But he was running around. How can someone lie like this and get away with it. I never heard from him since 25 October 2023. Almost 8 months. 


I am going to make a list of all the things they did to me below:

Because they had SO-CALLED AUTHORITY. they ABUSED THEIR POWER! & using my INHERITANCE, they paid other OFFICIALS to ABUSE me too! 

1. They were getting copies of my personal records without my permission. like health records. 

2. They STOLE MY ID! 

3.  Karen was getting fines in my name and signing my signature, as in forging it.

4. THEY STOLE MY INHERITANCE & are living off my money and in my house! THEY JUST WANTED ME DEAD! No matter what!! She and Antonie are getting my monthly INHERTIANCE TRUST FUND money into their bank accounts!  

5.  They bought Houses and property with my money and distributed MY INHERITANCE between their families & work Associates! 

6.  Antonie & Karen Rose & Isonet Potgieter, were paying people to Gang-Stalk me! I have screenshots on Pinterest.  This carried on for 14 yrs!    Pinterest 

7. Then Karen & Antonie and his Best Friend moved in together and were all sleeping together!  They were Polyamorous!  Then Karen went and fell pregnant with his best friend's baby, while she was married to Antonie. They were swingers!  HOW DISGUSTING IS THAT?  

8.  These people are also religious and are supposed to believe in God! MY ASS!!!  Karen was A SATANIST& INTO SOME VERY EVIL DARK SHIT!!!  Together they were USING WITCHCRAFT ON ME! (Voodoo)  I have screenshots!  Although he said he never got involved but he was there!  So that's an accessory to a HATE CRIME! Right? 

9. They reported me as a BAD PARENT to my son's school! in 2020. We were called in and it was all unfounded and thrown out. But they put myself and my husband through hell! Only God knows what Isonet & Tertia's kids must have gone through with them being witches!  I am sure they used it on MANY CHILDREN!  These women are EVIL WITCHES which hail from the Mc Crate clan in Ireland-Scotland. 

10.  THEY PLANNED SEVERAL CAR ACCIDENTS FOR ME, and I have it in writing!


11.  Someone called Jeff Woolan ( started chatting to me 3 yrs ago on Google chat, then on TELEGRAM under the name, Mr Woolan. This person was sending me some type of Voodoo or witchcraft words.  I think it was Karen, but if not her, then it is the OTHER MAN THAT HATED ME!  

12. They were also using spel work on my child and mother and my husband. 

13. My hospital Bill was R3 million, and I want that back too!  (3 months) I had to learn to walk again. Plus all my other medication & Vitamins I had to take. 


14. They have been stealing my mail at my old address in Cape Town and somehow from here in New Zealand too! 

15. The MAIN LETTER was a letter about my inheritance!  The BITCHES STOLE IT 5 years ago! 

16.  These BIAATCH's tried to destroy me for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON!  

17. I just Confirmation that he was spreading LOTS OF RUMOURS ABOUT ME to too many people! 

18. They have been going into my internet, my email and changing things, copying files, etc. I have proof!!

19.  These people, Antoine du Toit & Karen Rose Prinsloo were PAYING Officials to release records about me, to make FALSE DOCUMENTS about me, to SIGN FALSE DOCUMENTS about me, and more coming..... Karens MOTHER who is a LAWYER was heavily involved. I am trying to find her, but I believe she has a High Position in the US Government, like a ATTORNEY GENERAL! She also threatened to have me locked up!  I have it in writing!  HOW CAN THEY HAVE ME LOCKED UP? I HAVE NEVER MET THEM!  

20.  WHY WAS ALL THIS ALLOWED, AND WHY IS THERE NO SEVERE PUNISHMENT? WHAT TYPE OF LAW DO AMERICANS UPHOLD?  HILLBILLY SCUM LAWS!!!!!  This is unacceptable!!! I will do whatever it takes to get this sorted out and to get my name cleared! 


21. Antoine du Toit & Karen Rose & her mother are PAYING people to sit outside my house and watch me. I want to know why?  I have NEVER MET ANY OF THESE PEOPLE!  I have NOT don't anything wrong! 

22. I am a loner and work alone at home on my Designs. I am always baking or sewing or working in the garden. 


24.  They were using Several families to pretend to be me & my family. She paid them. They were using my sons name, my name, my ID, etc.  (HOW THE FUCK IN GODS NAME DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN!)


26.  I need help to find out who left me an INHERITANCE!  MY SON WAS LEFT ONE TOO! 

27. I have suffered for 13 years because of this couple and Karen Rose's mother! ( I AM TRYING TO FIND HER NAME, as she is apparently an ATTORNEY GENERAL in the USA)

I got a letter from John Coan, at the DEMOCRATIC PARTY in May 2023, so they must be in New Jersey Pennsylvania, or nearby. 

28.  I am going to take whatever it takes to get these FUCKERS KNOCKED OUT OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM!

29. There was also a GROUP OF MEN (Legal Eagles) & woman (A Witches Coven) who were part of this ordeal and GANG STALKING ME) Antonie du Toit was the head of this Witches Coven as he was sleeping with them all! He still said to me he has a SAMURAI SWORD!  Lol! Yeah, like that would entice me! 

 30. They also paid people to say that I am mentally ill!  There is NOTHING wrong with me! I have NEVER ever met ANY of them! 

31. Antonie's Family, especially his two sisters are also MASONS and part of my DEATH RITUALS! (Isonet Potgieter-du Toit & Tertia Botha-du Toit) PLUS THEIR HUSBANDS, PEET PRINSLOO & ANDRE BOTHA.  Nadine Botha, Isonets. only daughter, who is also an ADVOCATE.

32. These people were spreading RUMOURS about me all over the USA, as they travelled for work. They made my name shit and that is why I was GANG STALKED. 


34.  I know that they murdered other people for money!  Slowly I will find out and get facts, but first I need help!  

35.  I still think Antonie's sister Isonet was working with him. I have several references to my assumptions! He gave me a cell no. once, while he was inebriated, and then asked me where I got the no!  WTF?

36. He said his mother died 2 years ago. I wonder how?  2020

37.  Antonie, & Karen have ties to people in the Government and having been getting tip offs!  The WHOLE SYSTEM is CORRUPT!!

38.  I HAVE 7 CLOUDS FULL OF INFORMATION, Screenshots, maps, IP addresses, etc.  They are ALL Password protected.  

39.  They have been paying Practitioners to do DEATH SPELLS ON ME and I have it in writing! SCREENSHOTS!  

40. Antonie, or Karen or her mother paid a HITMAN to come to CAPE TOWN to murder me (Shoot me) then I moved to New Zealand and messed up their plans!  I moved in November 2022. They did not want me to exist!   But they were syphoning all my ENERGY to make themselves rich, while they also STOLE MY WORK , PLUS my Inheritance. Plus trying to kill me slowly. ENERGY HARVESTING IS REAL!  Google it!!   If you think I am talking shit, THINK AGAIN!  ITS REAL! Now they are ALL getting sick & I have NOTHING to do with it. Thats how God works! 

41. They have also been paying people to watch me and steal my mail. (POSTBOX)

42.  They are using different identities!  All of them!  I have proof in my screenshots. 

43. They have SEVERAL different accounts in Bitcoin etc.  That is how they are hiding their money!  I have screenshots!  



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