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Alex David Gary & Alexander Dulpin were BOTH the same guy! (I know because he told me I must move from Dulpin to Gary)

Alex Davis Gary-Cell NO.jpg
Alexander Dulpin-Can I see your accunt balnce.jpg
Alex Davis Gary-000.jpg
Alex Davis Gary Denying everything.png
Alexander Dulpin-Fuck Shit.jpg
Alexander Dulpin-POLISH BANK.jpg
Alexnder Dulpin-001.jpg

Think again before you FUCK with me! 

This man is Alexander Dulpin & Alex Davis Gary  (Both the same person) It is Karen Rose OR Isonet Potgieter OR Tertia Botha.  Their English is terrible!!

Alex David Gary Caught.jpg
Alex David Gary Caught-002.jpg
Alex David Gary Caught-004.jpg
Alex David Gary Caught-005.jpg
Alex David Gary Caught-003.jpg
Alex David Gary Caught-006.jpg
Alexander Dulpin-Profile.jpg

Think again before you FUCK with me!  OK! Right!

Somehow the Cell phone number that this Alex Davis Gary phoned me from, belongs to one of these people in this family!  I want to know who?  I paid for a TRACE!  I want answers!  The person denied it!  I WANT THE TRUTH!

Linda_Headshot (1).jpg
Lyndia J Isaacson-Linkedin.png
Cazimer Rafalik-Guy.png
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